Manage Properties & Portfolios
Occupancy Management
Leverage occupancy data to empower, anticipate and unlock opportunities within your portfolio.
Occupancy Management is more than seating charts. Our team is designed to support all your organizations occupancy needs. Whether your need is a single occupancy plan to support project delivery or ongoing space management services to maintain accurate occupancy data, the CBRE platform brings together subject matter experts focused on providing the best solutions to improve portfolio insights.Assign a datasource.
Unparalleled Intelligence & Technology
We leverage proven processes and cutting-edge technologies that drive faster analyses and better results. We utilize a variety of CAFM / IWMS software, including Serraview, Archibus, SiQ, Office Space, Manhattan, iOffice, Planon, Tririga, and more to help you execute the right occupancy plan quickly.End-to-End Solutions & Executable Strategies
We offer resources, experience, and collaboration to ensure knowledge transfer and continuous improvement across a series of disciplines. The fundamentals of Occupancy Management reside within certain activities that, when combined, drive real value to your organization’s portfolio optimization, quality of data, and improved portfolio insights.Benefits:
- Strategic occupancy planning
- Block + stack planning
- Tactical space planning
- Utilization data management
- CAFM/IWMS space management
- Technology implementation
- CAD drawing digitization & management
2022-2023 CBRE Global Workplace & Occupancy Insights
From measuring a plan to measuring reality: how hybrid work is changing occupancy management