Technology Tools
Portfolio Optimizer
CBRE’s Portfolio Analysis, Benchmarking and Optimization System.
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CBRE’s Portfolio Analysis, Benchmarking and Optimization System
With more pressure on businesses to drive exceptional performance and strong margins, identifying cost savings and operational efficiencies within real estate portfolios is critical to bottom-line success.
To meet this demand, CBRE has developed Portfolio Optimizer, a powerful software tool that combines client portfolio data with market intelligence to uncover efficiencies and cost saving opportunities.
Key features include:
- ANALYZE: Explore up-to-the-minute portfolio metrics, including property and lease data, in a customized portfolio dashboard featuring graphics, tables, and maps.
- COMPARE: Measure properties and leases against benchmarks based on current market costs and local efficiency standards.
- IDENTIFY: Highlight and prioritize portfolio cost saving opportunities, potential implementation costs, and complexity/achievability of savings options.
- LEVERAGE: Use proprietary CBRE market rent forecasts and research data to support recommendations and analysis.
Tech Tools - Portfolio Optimizer
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