Facilities Management

Industrial & Logistics Facilities Management

Achieve measurably superior facilities management outcomes across all your industrial and logistics environments.



You value facilities uptime and cost reduction—key drivers of your ability to quickly manufacture, process or ship goods. We deliver results by extending our self-performance advantage to material handling equipment. Our integrated and globally consistent approach to facilities management powers the performance of portfolios that depend on diverse and sustainable supply chains, connected footprints and efficient operations.

Deep Sector Expertise

Our service offerings were developed in tandem with the growth of the world’s largest industrial and logistics companies. We have a strong track record of managing down unit cost while achieving efficiencies in organizational capacity, scaling and acquiring and retaining skilled labor in new or expanded locations.

Energy Management and Sustainability

Energy management represents a major opportunity for the industrial and logistics sector. Our globally consistent programming in decarbonization solutions, renewable energy and electrical vehicle charging stations can help you achieve your ambitious ESG goals. 

Right-Sized Solutions

We handle local, regional or global assignments, delivering end-to-end facilities management to industrial and logistics clients at all stages. Our sector experts—skilled across industries and property types—mitigate risk and ensure your portfolios contribute to your bottom line.

Our Leadership Team

Insights on the Future of Integrated Facilities Management

Explore innovative trends and world-class solutions in an industry that connects people places and technology.


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Unlock potential in your Industrial & Logistics portfolios using proprietary technology, expertise and personnel to optimize process, cost savings, safety and efficiency in your facilities.